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Puppy love

Puppy Love

At just 14, Shad Moss, also known as rap star ?Lil Bow Wow?, has topped the US rap charts with ?Bounce with me? and sold more than 2 million copies of his first album Beware of dog. He can already count famous stars as Snoop Doggy Dogg and Madonna among his friends and fans.

1 How do you entertain the world's    to see Dr. Dre's Chronic Tour. Snoop Doggy
 coolest kid on his visit to London? Dogg spotted him in the crowd and hauled him
 When he's at home in America, Shad40 on stage. "I went up there, began rapping, and
 parties with Puff Daddy, works with the crowd started throwing all this money at
5 stars like Snoop Doggy Dogg and Destiny's me," he recalls. "Next thing you know, Snoop
 Child and sometimes meets Michael Jackson wants me backstage. So I went and he and Dr.
 and Michael Jordan at the same party. Dre asked if I would finish the tour with them.
 Fortunately, like for any 14-year-old kid, a trip45 The next day I was in L.A., opening the show."
 to the Trocadero, London's biggest games5 Shad had already taught himself to rap by
10 arcade, is just as exciting. watching famous rappers like Ice-T and Tupac
2 "London is great," he says. "I have on MTV and singing to his mother's kitchen
 been shopping. I bought sneakers, four utensils. But it was Snoop Doggy Dogg who
 computer games and three DVDs. And I50 changed his name to 'Lil Bow Wow' and gave
 have been playing basketball. When I'm him his special hairstyle. A year later he was
15 done rapping, I'm going to play for the a guest artist on Snoop's multimillion selling
 Lakers." It seems cruel to spoil the kid's album Doggystyleand he had 55 contributed a song
 dreams, but with only 140 centimetres6 to Will Smith's Wild Wild West movie soundtrack.
 he is likely to be a bit short for a55 The dope-smoking, foul-6 mouthed Snoop may be a
 basketball player. But not to worry, he bad 60 example, but Shad hasn't let fame go to
20 has back-up plans. After graduating his head. Although it took a while to get him to
 from Harvard University, he says he will stop playing basketball and sit down for an
 become the biggest rap star on the interview, he 65 turns out to be polite and
 planet and then he'll make movies.60 well-mannered. "Shad hasn't changed," his mother
3 Back in the States, Shad is so hot insists.
25 that, last month, Madonna was on the "He doesn't show off about all the money that he
 phone. "She said she really wanted me makes, though I had to stop him buying a diamond
 to do a television show with her. I said: watch the other day."
 'Sure, why not?' It was crazy, we did two days765 Otherwise, Shad is setting a good example to
 of rehearsals for one song. I had to drive her his young fans. At concerts last year in America,
30 limo on stage, then I was dancing. She asked me he was mobbed by hundreds of female fans, but
 to make her look good. I said: 'Madonna, no he says he is still too young for a girlfriend.
 problem.'" What's more, he has made a point of not
4 To Shad, all this celebrity attention seems70 swearing in his songs. "When I rapped on
 [id:188] . It's probably because he has been in Doggystyle, Snoop had me cursing. But I don't
35 the rap business for as long as he can remember. do that anymore. There are a lot of kids out there
 He was five when he talked his mother Teresa who can't buy records with bad words. My thing
 ? now his manager and stylist ? into taking him is to make clean music that everybody can buy."

?Sunday Times?