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We were swept away by a flash flood

We were swept away by a flash flood

Maria Gonzales and Jonathon Lobb had just set out on their summer holiday when they were caught up in a terrific storm

1    Even now, Maria    Catholic, he urged Maria
 Gonzales has a sense to keep praying. “I'd
 of panic whenever it45 survived two near-death
 rains. The sound of experiences,” he says.
5 raindrops splashing on to a “Being run over at 17,
 window takes her back to last and a major car accident
 year’s holiday in Spain, where three years ago. I knew
 a flash flood nearly drowned50 I’d been lucky to pull
 her and her fiancé Jonathon through that time and I
10 Lobb. wasn’t prepared to die
2    It was the second day of on this holiday.”
 the couple’s three-week7    Incredibly, the
 break. They had just left55 couple’s prayers were
 Biescas, a town in the answered. Their car
15 Pyrenees, where they’d had a relaxing day in    landed the right way up on a rock, halfway
 the sun when disaster struck. “In less than no down the mountain - a mile from where
 time the weather changed from brilliant they’d parked.
 sunshine to heavy rain,” says Maria, a 27-year-860    “My first feeling was of disbelief that we’d
 old business studies student. “The sky went survived,” says Maria. “The next moment,
20 black and thunder came crashing all around someone banged on the car door and I turned
 us.” to see a naked man yelling at us.” She soon
3    After 20 minutes of extremely heavy rain, realised that most of the people caught in the
 Jonathon was driving the car very slowly as he65 flood were naked, too. Their clothes had been
 could hardly see. “We can’t continue like ripped off by the water. The man begging for
25 this,” said Maria. “It’s dangerous. Let’s park help was desperate to save his wife, who was
 over at the campsite and wait for the storm to trapped in an overturned car.
 pass.”9    Jonathon ran to help while Maria handed
4    “The flood was rising so fast,” she70 out clothes to all the naked campers who’d
 explained. “In no time, it was almost up as had everything washed away. “Even in their
30 high as my car window. And there was a distress, the campers were thinking of people
 strong current. It was obvious that we were who might be worse off,” says Maria. “We all
 about to be washed away. There was no way went down to the river to try to save the
 out.” And, sure enough, the car started to75 campers who’d been washed in ... and I
 shift and, within seconds, it was lifted up and realised that people were drowning.”
35 dragged into a wild flow of water. Tragically, there was nothing anyone could do.
5    Maria shut her eyes and waited for the Going into the flood meant certain death.
 bang. “I knew already that there was a long10    Altogether, 80 campers drowned in the
 way to fall - we were high in the mountains,”80 tragedy. “I’m not sure that it’s sunk in,” says
 she says. “All I could think about were my Maria back home. “Until I saw the news, I
40 parents - how would they feel? We were too couldn’t really believe that anyone had died. It
 young to die.” could have been us. We were so lucky and I
6    Jonathon wasn’t ready to die, either. Being thank God to be alive.”

Anna Clements, ‘Woman’s Own’, Summer special 1997