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Strong England

England's high-flying
family man


Garry Jenkins interviews Rory Underwood, who is a
pilot in the Royal Air Force and plays in England's
national rugby team.

11     31-year-old Rory Underwood   46 joined the RAF a few days short of his 20th
2 looks distinctly embarrassed as47 birthday. With 11 years' service already behind
3 he confesses to a weakness that I48 him, he is staying in the force for another six
4 am finding hard to believe. "It's49 years.
5 true," he says, a hand nervously running itself750     He admits , however, that his dedication to
6 through a neat military crop of jet-black hair.51 rugby may have prevented him from pushing
7 'I'm scared of heights, always have been."52 himself to the limits of his abilities as a pilot.
28     "I am not the only pilot who suffers from53 While some of his training school partners
9 it," says one of rugby's most dangerous54 took part in flying missions in conflicts such as
10 attacking forces defensively. "Put me in an55 the Gulf War, Rory has played a supporting
11 aircraft at 40,000 feet , turn me upside down56 role, concentrating on training other pilots.
12 and I have no problems, but I really don 't like857     The responsibility of being a father has been
13 looking off the top of tall buildings. The58 a main influence in steering his course away
14 difference is that if I am flying, I am fine59 from front-line action , he confesses. “Having a
15 because I am in control."60 family was a big factor," he says. Yet he has no
316     As he once more reaches for the skies of61 plans to expand the household by attempting
17 rugby glory in England's assault on the World62 to produce a potential male successor in the
18 Cup in South Africa, which starts on May 25,63 England team. "My wife and I have stuck on
19 Rory has half an eye on new horizons. When64 two girls. They are both lovely and I am quite
20 the English team sets out for South Africa on65 happy."
21 May 16, he will be nearing the end of a richly-966     His mother Annie takes pride in the
22 rewarding sports career and is facing a fresh67 achievements of sister Wendy, brother Gary
23 phase in his life. This holds no fear for him.68 and Rory's youngest brother, 25-year-old
424     With the question of what Rugby Union69 Tony, who is also in the England rugby team.
25 players can and cannot do for commercial gain70 She has become a familiar figure at rugby
26 still unanswered, Rory realises he may miss71 internationals, often raising a few smiles with
27 out on the times when stars such as himself72 her enthusiastic celebrations of the scoring of
28 will be able to earn significant amounts of73 the first brothers to play together for England
29 money from the sport. "There could be big pay74 since 1938. Rory maintains: "It is great. She is
30 packets involved, but that is not why I came75 immensely proud of us and she is more than
31 into the game. That is why I will not end up76 welcome to her piece of enjoyment."
32 being bitter. I will probably be a bit jealous1077     Rory will leave fate to decide whether he
33 because I was one of the players who was78 can bring his remarkable career to a climax at
34 there when the changes were happening, but79 the end of the summer. He sees the World Cup
35 rugby has given me so much more," he says,80 as "wide open", with England, Australia, New
36 with a shrug. "And then there's flying!"81 Zealand, France and the host South Africa as
537     "I used to read Marvel comics and Super-82 the likeliest candidates to collect the trophy.
38 man was my first childhood hero, I suppose,"1183     If the England team do pull off the biggest
39 he says. "I used to wonder what it must be like84 win in their history, you can be sure of one
40 to fly through the air like that. I joined the85 thing: Rory Underwood will overcome his fear
41 RAF section of the CCF (Combined Cadet86 of heights to climb the stadium steps, no
42 Force) at school and then the RAF recruit-87 matter how high , and collect the most
43 ment films made their impression on me."88 glittering prize his sport has to offer.
644     A qualified pilot at 16, Rory earned a flyer's 
45 licence before he passed his driving test. He     'Daily Express', April 29, 1995