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Ioni is free to do anything!

Ioni is free to do anything!

11    'We Are All Free,' screams the powerful hypnotic voice from the booming
2 loudspeakers, and trust me, Ioni's not wrong. With a face like a goddess and talent shining
3 from every inch of her very tall body, this woman is free to do anything she wants - and
4 she does.
25    With her second single, We Are All Free, due to hit the streets in a few days' time and
6 already having a response that's simply incredible, you'd think th at Ioni had dedicated her
7 entire life to this one spectacular height - but she hasn't.
38    'When I was 13 all I wanted to be was an athlete. I really wanted to get to the top
9 and be the best so I plunged my whole life into training, I did absolutely nothing else. I was
10 actually training to be a hurdler but then I injured my knee and had to forget the whole
11 thing.
412    I felt desperate when I found out that I couldn't run any more. It feit like everything
13 had been taken away from me and that totally destroyed me. I just sat back and thought:
14 "Weil what do I do now?" I jumped into the first office job that came along and I met a
15 guy there who suggested that I go into modelling, so I did.'
516    For the injured hurdler it was a case of jumping from one success to another and
17 Ioni found that modelling came naturally to her, and she was soon working with the likes
18 of none other than top model Naomi Campbell.
619    Things didn't stop there for the 6ft wonder woman. After three years of modelling
20 she decided to move into yet another career - stand-up comedy: 'I used to do impressions
21 of people like Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and TV magician Pa ui Daniels. I found it
22 really easy, I could just hear avoice and I'd be able to copy it.
723    But I don't do impressions any more because when I went on a TV talent show, they
24 sabotaged my act. They wanted me to wear different clothes and they totally manipulated
25 everything I said. I didn't enjoy it because it wasn't me up there, it was something else that
26 they made me. So I gave up with the impressions as from that moment.'
827    It's a good thing that she did because letting the impressions go meant that Ioni
28 could then make way for her singing career, something which came about after meeting a
29 guy on a train who simply invited her to test her voice out in his studio.
930    There you have it, the charmed life of Ioni, the woman who's stumbled across every
31 talent imaginable: 'I don't know why I've done so much, I think it's because I missed out on
32 so much when I was young and concentrating on athletics. Now I'm just trying to catch up
33 by cramming everything into my life. Now I live on the theory that I do what I want to do.'
1034    With this theory in mind, it's a typical case of preaching what she practises as far as
35 her new single is concerned: ' I feel that everybody is free in their own minds, we're all free
36 to do what we want over here in the UK, within reason. We can go where we want to go
37 and do what we want to do and with We Are All Free I'm basically saying: "Live life, be
38 free and express yourself! '"

'Early Times', July 8,1993