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Derek Johnson interviews singer Whitney Houston

Derek Johnson interviews singer Whitney Houston

11     Whitney Houston is joining Madonna as a singer-turned-movie star. She would not,
2 one suspects, ever join her for lunch.
23     The couple last met in a corridor backstage at a music awards ceremony in Los
4 Angeles. Madonna had been voted Best Female Performer and Whitney had come second.
5 'Hi,' said Whitney, 'how ya doing?' The small blonde figure brushed past, clutching her
6 award. 'Well, obviously better than you are,' she hissed and disappeared into the night.
37     Whitney smiles sweetly as she recalls the incident. 'I don't think I have ever disliked
8 anyone in my whole life,' she says. 'It's attitudes I object to, and that kind of attitude I find
9 more sad than hurtful.'
410     Still with a fixed smile she adds: 'I've never worried about Madonna. There's plenty
11 of room for both of us in the hit charts. As far as films are concerned, I may be
12 inexperienced when it comes to acting, but I don't think her movies are anything to shout
13 about.'
514     Whitney's first Hollywood movie, called The Bodyguard, is unlikely to fail; she stars
15 with, and is being coached by, none other than Kevin Costner. 'Kevin has been wonderful.
16 He's given me even more help than the director. He spends a lot of time with me, advising
17 me on how to handle the next scene, how to deliver my lines, the sort of reaction I should
18 show, that sort of thing. He's great, really great.'
619     As Whitney relaxes in jeans on the set, she gives the impression she is rather bored
20 with the whole thing. 'I've spent more time in the make-up room than in front of the
21 camera,' she says. 'There's nothing to do but drink coffee and watch TV. I don't think I
22 would want to devote the majority of my career to films. I'm basically a singer and
23 performer. But if I could make an occasional movie, that would be fine. My main ambition
24 is to star in an all-black musical, but we'll have to see if anything comes up.'
725     Whitney is hurt that black musicians accused her of moving away from her roots.
26 'Yes, that was awful,' she says. 'And I could never understand it. They seemed to think I
27 was turning my back on my background, in favour of mainstream white music. I even got
28 booed when I was nominated for awards.
829     But I tried to silence the doubters with my third album, I'm Your Baby Tonight,
30 which contained much more black-orientated material. It seemed to satisfy them, because
31 I've not had any remarks about that. Even so, the truth is that it was the least successful of
32 my albums. And from now on, I'm going my way, doing what I personally want to do on
33 my next albums. 1 don't care if it does upset some people - it's my career, after all.'
934     How does she see her career? 'I want first to prove to the world that I'm not just a
35 passing phase, but someone who's here to stay. Some people may say that I've already
36 achieved that status, but I still want to satisfy myself, When I can feel that I'm up there,
37 along with the stayers like Dionne Warwick and Aretha Franklin, then I can afford to
38 think more about my personal life.'
1039     Does she have any regrets? 'Not a single one.' Whitney raises her voice and punches
40 the table to hammer home her point. 'I couldn't have done anything else but sing. I'm
41 totally useless in other directions. If I hadn't made it this way, I guess I'd have ended up
42 being a waitress or a shop assistant.'
1143     There is silence, and suddenly the sweet smile reappears. 'Wow, that was quite an
44 outburst, wasn't it?' Madonna was clearly lucky to get away with her trophy intact.
     from 'People Magazine', January 5, 1992