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Heavy metal

 “HI, CHELSEA, HOW DID the shopping … what in   40 “Chatting, you call it?” mumbled Chelsea. “You
 the name of heaven is that?” positively drool over him. It’s obscene.”
 “What?” Chelsea gave her mother what she Her mother suppressed the desire to laugh. “I’m
 hoped was a cool stare. sorry, love, I didn’t think. It’s just that he’s so keen
5 “Your ears - you’ve got half a dozen things in on the idea of being a writer, and it boosted my ego,
 them.” Ginny put her hands to her face.45 someone wanting my opinion on something other
 “Three studs and a ring, actually,” said Chelsea. than acne and boyfriends! But flirting? That’s crazy
 “Well, take them out right now!” said her mother. - he’s just a spotty kid!”
 “No way,” said Chelsea, “I’ve only just had them “He’s not spotty,” snapped Chelsea. “Not very.”
10 done. Why should I?” “You really like Rob, don’t you?” said Ginny.
 “Because the school rules are one stud only;50 Chelsea shrugged - then nodded.
 because you look trashy and cheap; because …” “Then go for it - and I’ll keep out of the way - I
 “Oh, that’s right, suddenly you take notice of promise,” said her mother. “But get rid of that metalwork
 how I look. Normally, you can’t be bothered to even - it’s not you, love.” She grinned. “I wish I
15 notice, you’re so busy tarting yourself up and flirting looked like you, I’ll tell you that for nothing.”
 with my boyfriends. Well, that’s tough, because I’m55 Chelsea smiled a watery smile. “Everyone says
 keeping my earrings and …” you’re the smartest mum in my year. You should be
 “Oh no you are not, young lady. Now get them - you spend enough time dressing up.”
 out this instant or I’ll …” “I suppose I am a bit vain,” said Ginny. “When
20 “You’ll WHAT?” screamed Chelsea. “Write you get middle-aged and grey hairs sticking through
 about me in the paper? Tell the world how silly60 and your chin starts to sag, you have to work flat out
 Chelsea did something wrong again? These are my to fight Mother Nature. I look in the mirror some
 ears and I am making a fashion statement. So there.” mornings and wish I was twenty again. Am I a real
 Chelsea was running out of things to say. drag?”
25 Ginny got up and put her arm on Chelsea’s “Well,” said Chelsea, “sometimes you are sort of
 shoulder. “Oh Chelsea love, you’re far too pretty to65 un-mother like.”
 need all that metal junk in your ears.” she said. “Tell you what,” said Ginny, “let’s go out next
 Chelsea looked at her. “That’s the first time weekend after work. You choose something you like
 you’ve said I’m pretty,” said Chelsea. “Am I really?” for me to wear, something suitable for mothers,” she
30 she added. added, pulling a face, “and I’ll treat you to some nice
 Ginny sat down and pulled Chelsea down beside70 drop earrings for the one hole I am about to let you
 her. “Of course you are, sweety pie. I’m sorry, love keep open!”
 - I suppose I am so used to knowing how gorgeous Chelsea smiled. “Okay,” she said, “but you have
 you are, I forget that you need to know that too. to promise not to show off in the changing rooms,”
35 You’re gorgeous, as a matter of fact.” she added sternly.
 Chelsea looked slightly appeased.75 “I promise,” said Ginny dutifully.
 “And what’s all this about me flirting?” con- 
 tinued Ginny. “You surely don’t mean chatting to ‘Just don’t make a scene, Mum!’ by Rosie
 Rob?” Rushton