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In the soap series Hollyoaks he’s Jambo, a crazy would-be pop star. Away from the TV-screen Will Mellor is a very different character - but he still wants to be a pop star…

By John Earls
1    CHOOSING to sing old Leo   7    Will is determined to make it as a singer. “Music
 Sayer’s hit ‘When I Need You’ has always been what I wanted to do, even before
 hardly seems the obvious choice acting. Not long before I got the Hollyoaks part, I
 for a man aiming to launch a sent dozens of demos to record companies and
5 music career. But Will Mellor, star50 nobody wanted to know. But for the past year I’ve
 of the Channel 4 series Hollyoaks had record company interest solely because I
 insisted it would be his debut happen to be a singer in a popular soap series.
 single. “The reason is that it’s the song my sister Some of them offered me recording contracts
 Joanne likes best. She’s been mentally and without even hearing me sing. How mad is that?”
10 physically disabled since she suffered a serious 
 heart condition four years ago. 
2    She had been a bit off colour but she seemed well 
 enough to go out for a drink with some friends. 
 Then we got a knock on the door and it turned out 
15 she had collapsed in the street. Joanne was very ill 
 and at one stage was given only a small chance to 
 pull through. 
3    I have never been so scared,”Will admits.“One of 
 the songs we played to her in the hospital was ‘When 
20 I Need You’. It still reminds me so much of Joanne, 
 and I see it as a tribute to her. Although she’s a bit 
 slow mentally and physically now, Joanne’s one of 
 the funniest members of our family.” 
4    Joanne is one of Will’s four elder sisters. “I used 
25 to long for a brother,” he laughs. “Being the 
 youngest, it was annoying to have four women boss 
 me around. And I never had any decent toys to 
 borrow. I was always left playing with Barbie dolls. 
 Obviously I couldn’t borrow clothes either. Luckily 
30 I had a cousin who lent me shirts. On the other855    Will also has a dark secret. “Three years ago,
 hand, growing up surrounded by women at least when Take That had really taken off, I answered an
 means I’ve learned to respect them from an early age.” advert for a band which was being put together.We
5    Will first met his girlfriend Angela Griffin, who were called ‘Right Now’. To be honest, the bloke
 stars in Coronation Street, at a showbiz party. “We who put us together was a real amateur.We didn’t
35 were fans of each other’s shows, and we got on60 even get a record contract, but I’m glad about that
 great immediately, but it was a while before we now. I don’t even have any photos of the band any
 realised how much we really felt for each other.” more. I’m waiting for someone to find them because
6    The hardest time in their relationship was when I’m sure they’ll turn up and embarrass me one day.”
 he and Angela started going out together. “Having9    If Will had to choose between music and
40 the press camped outside our doors was difficult to65 Hollyoaks there would only be one answer. “I’m
 cope with,” he says,“We both thought: ‘is this worth grateful to Hollyoaks, but I want to be able to
 it?’ and the answer was ‘Yes, too right it is!’ Since we concentrate totally on the music. I won’t want any
 openly admitted we are having a relationship it’s been acting jobs if the music goes well. But right now I’ve
 fine. My only worry is if my music career takes off got a two-year contract playing Jambo, and that
45 and I have to move to London.”70 suits me fine for the moment.”
‘People Magazine’