Background image


Two men in a boat, a whale, sharks


Two men in a boat … a whale … sharks

 SIMON CHALKS TELLS HOW HIS ATTEMPT TO   45 trouble and no way of getting hold of our
 FOR SURVIVAL FOR HIM AND HIS ROWING     We dived into the water a few times
 MATE BILL GREAVES. to get the EPIRB back. In calm water, it
  wouldn't have been a problem, but the
5     Setting off to row across the Indian50 boat was rolling and lifting and then
 Ocean should have been one of the smashing back down. A last attempt was
 greatest moments of my life. When we successful. The feeling of relief was
 left Kalbarrie, Western Australia, for our immense. I activated the EPIRB more
 3,800 mile trip to Reunion Island, nearly than half an hour after we flipped over.
10 2,000 people lined the shores, cheering55 But the first plane, which we heard at
 and clapping enthusiastically. But we 2am, didn't see the light and
 didn't know then that our attempt to disappeared, leaving us with feelings of
 break a 30-year-old record to cross the despair. The first signs of light took an
 Indian Ocean in a rowing boat would be eternity to come. Then we heard another
15 nothing compared to our struggle to60 aircraft. We waved, whistled and shouted
 survive. - please, just see us! Then it came back
     The first days at sea could not have and showed it had seen us with a dip of
 been better. On the third evening we its wing. Yes! On the horizon we then
 even saw a huge blue whale in close-up. saw a ship, which was heading for us.
20 was magnificent! That night I decided65     As the ship was approaching, we
 we should get some sleep at 8pm. We were continually knocked off the boat.
 made our boat safe and went to bed. No She was so low in the water. How much
 more than an hour later we were abruptly longer would she stay afloat? Then shark
 woken up by a loud bang. Instantly the fears grew in my mind. We were both
25 boat moved sideways, then upside down.70 bleeding badly and we'd been lucky so
 Our rowing boat was designed to right far with sharks. How long would that
 herself after capsizing, or at least that's last? It was difficult for the ship to get
 what we thought! We still don't know near enough. But the crew managed to
 what hit us, but we think it was a whale. haul us on deck. We were saved at last!
30     The roof of our tiny cabin suddenly75 Despite this adventure there will still be a
 became the floor. All our loose next time for me. Once was enough for
 belongings fell around us. I reached for a Bill, but as soon as I can get a boat
 torch and saw there was already an inch ready, I intend to have another go. I can
 of water in the cabin. Our most vital only be grateful that I am around to do it;
35 piece of equipment was our Emergency80 I will never understand why we survived
 Position Indicating Radio Beacon that night. Perhaps it simply wasn't our
 (EPIRB). We had one lifejacket, the time.
 other was on deck. We decided to get 
 out. Bill leaned forward and opened the The Sunday Times
40 hatch. The force of water was incredible. 
 I took a deep breath and started to swim 
 against the current and ended up on top 
 of the boat. So there we were, upside 
 down with nobody knowing we were in