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Oasis in the city centre

11     One of the advantages of living in the country is being able to wander down to
2 your local farm and come back with a pile of fresh vegetables and dairy products. But
3 with more 'city farms' appearing, that could soon be possible for people in the cities too.
24     In London alone there are 19 pieces of land that have been turned into working
5 farms where local people get involved in looking after animals and growing vegetables.
6 And in many of the 69 city farms around Britain the public can see traditional crafts, like
7 spinning, being carried out. But the farms aren't just a hobby. They are open seven days
8 a week and the public can come in and have a look and buy the goods. Any money made
9 is put right back into the farm.
310     Children are an important part of city farms. One of the ideas behind them is for
11 farms to act as 'hands on' education centres. Local schools visit the farms during lessons,
12 and pupils go to the farm in their own time too just because they enjoy it. By watching
13 and working at the farm you can actually learn much better the processes farming
14 involves.
415     'The farms vary considerably,' said Rose Noonan, the manager of one of the oldest
16 city farms in London. 'Some concentrate on animals and others on gardening and
17 growing vegetables. Some are particularly interested in education and they have their
18 own classrooms.'
519     All sorts of people work on the farms, from teenagers on youth training schemes to
20 elderly people who like gardening. Children particularly can benefit and they often come
21 to help on the farms at weekends. 'Youngsters can get used to animals. Often they're
22 quite nervous because they've never been close to farm animals before,' said Rose.
623     'Children who don't really get on with people often like working with the anima Is.
24 They learn how to care about the animals, putting them before themselves, and that can
25 lead to those children relating to people better,' Rose added.
726     City farms are not just ordinary farms on a small scale put in a city. They have
27 their own idea about how farms should be run. They are concerned about the
28 environment. And one of the first ways in which they help improve the environment is
29 the method of farming: city farms use chemical-free gardening techniques.
830     The benefits from city farms are wide. They are not just a means of getting healthy
31 food in the city, but also community projects where local people can get together. They
32 have even been referred to as 'open-air social clubs'. In that way they also help the local
33 environment by cutting down vandalism in the neighbourhood. By being open to
34 everyone in the community, the farms channel the energy of bored or fed-up people into
35 something positive.
     from 'Early Times', October 26, 1989