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The Missing Budgies Bureau

The Missing Budgies Bureau

11     When a budgie1) dropped out of nowhere onto the shoulder of a woman strolling
2 through a park, she was greatly surprised: it had blue and white feathers and ... a bright
3 red face.
24     There was only one thing to do. She called on Alan Moon, the Sherlock Holmes of
5 the budgie world. 'Can you trace its owner?' she asked.
36     Alan knew of a local factory where the girls in the first aid room kept a budgie. It
7 had a habit of sitting on their shoulders and waiting for a kiss. That's why its face was
8 usually covered in bright red lipstick. Alan took the budgie to the factory and, sure
9 enough, it proved to be the girls' much-loved pet.
410     It was all in a day's work for Alan, who has been running the Missing Budgies
11 Bureau for the past 30 years. The chief aim of his labour of love is to return lost budgies
12 to their owners.
513     Alan, a 69-year-old retired power station worker, is a budgie fanatic. Not
14 surprisingly, he's been secretary of his local budgie society for more than a quarter of a
15 century. In a back-garden cage he has 60 budgies of his own.
616     Since he opened the bureau he has dealt with 2,300 cases of lost budgies. He has
17 returned more than 800 to their owners. About 250 have been presented to the finders
18 after a fruitless search. The others have been found new homes. Alan owes his success to
19 his detection system.
720     If a budgie talks, Alan listens carefully to everything it says. If the budgie enjoys
21 performing tricks - like walking upside-down - he makes a detailed note in his black
22 register. Alan's files mean that when somebody claims 'That budgie is mine', he can ask
23 relevant questions. 'What are its pet phrases?' he asks. 'And what are its favourite tricks?'
824     After taking charge of one budgie, Alan was visited by two women each claiming:
25 'That's my Joey.' He said to the women: 'What does your budgie do when you shout hi s
26 name?' One said: 'It flies onto my shoulder.' The second said: 'It sits on my finger.' So
27 Alan put the women to the test. The budgie flew onto the second woman's finger - and
28 even kissed her on the lips.
929     Recently a budgie flew through the window of a restaurant where guests were
30 sitting down to a wedding reception. It landed on the table right in front of the bride and
31 bridegroom. A waitress picked it up, popped it into a box and later took it to Alan's
32 home. The couple told Alan that if he couldn't trace the owner, they'd be overjoyed to
33 keep it themselves.
1034     'Unfortunately,' says Alan, 'it was sick. I spent a week trying to cure it, but in the
35 end I had to put it to sleep. In the house I had another lost budgie whose owner I
36 couldn't trace. I gave it to the bride and groom as a wedding present.'
1137     In the world of Alan Moon, all budgie stories have a happy ending.
     from 'Weekend', November 12, 1986

noot 1: budgie = parkiet