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    This rather gruesome little cartoon is the work of Ralph Steadman
whose work is featured on the very worthwhile LP Abuse, an
Artists For Animals compilation mini LP. Other people involved with
the LP include Madness and The Style Council.
    Basically Artists For Animals is a collection of work by artists, writers, actors,
musicians etc who are concerned about the mistreatment of animals by human
    You can join in by a) buying the album (all profits go to the Animal Liberation
Front) and b) reading the sleeve notes on the back of the cover which tell you how
you can get involved and outline the aims of the movement, its history, methods
and policies.
    Now we come to the bit at the end where we usually say "but Frontline's
managed to get hold of 25 copies free". But for once we haven' t got any copies to
dish out because this is a worthwhile charity and deserves your support, so