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The Raef Guide to Dating

The Raef Guide to Dating

RAEF BJAYOU, 27, who appeared in the reality series THE APPRENTICE, takes out DAILY MIRROR reporter BETH NEIL on a first date to teach her all about DATING.


Beth reports:
1 There is a nation full of breathless females who are more than willing to date the gallant Raef Bjayou. Well, I’m at the front of that queue. I’m preparing to be swept off my feet on a red-hot date with the man of the moment. He breezes into Canary Wharf, home of The Daily Mirror, in a £130,000 Aston Martin and gets out holding an expensive bunch of flowers. In a posh grey suit, red tie and matching silk handkerchief, the 27-year-old from Fulham, West London, flicks back his hair and greets me with a kiss on both cheeks. “You’re looking lovely,” says Raef. He looks good, too.

2 What should every man know about dating?
“It’s the little things that make a difference,” he says. “I’m very into old-fashioned manners. The man must always go into a revolving door first so he can get the motion going. And he should walk kerb-side to take the worst of any splattering.”
Really? This is news to me.

3 What impression would you like to make on a woman you go out with?
“On a first date retaining an air of mystery is important,” says Raef. Not only does he carry a pocket handkerchief but it’s co-ordinated with his outfit. “I do like my handkerchiefs,” he admits. “I’ve got over 100. And not all plain. Some are patterned. Selecting the right hankie is just part of my preparations before a date. First I have a shower, then I deodorise, choose my date outfit and lay it on the bed. Then I put on my shirt, give the hair a brush and select my pocket handkerchief for the evening.”

4 Could you describe what you do on a date?
“I’m a fan of fine dining so I generally take a date  9  ,” he says. “And I adore chit chat.” So what are we doing to round the evening off? “Well, Beth, if I think our date is going well, I’d ask if you’d like to go to a bar. We could go somewhere a little more intimate and cosy up over a few cocktails. Then maybe go for a bit of a dance at the local club.”

5 Would you do anything ungallant on a date?
“Well, I’d certainly draw the line at the Amy Winehouse1) look– the bra, shorts and tattoo combo doesn’t really do it. So I might be ungentlemanly in that case and make a swift exit. A gentleman has standards to uphold and a reputation to protect.”

6 How did our first date go, according to you?
“I think our first date has gone absolutely terrifically. What a superb location I chose! It’s a lovely evening, the sun’s about to set and, all in all, it’s been a complete success.” So have I kept enough of an air of mystery? “Yes, you could say that I’m very intrigued to find out more about you,” he says, then he gives me a goodbye kiss and speeds off into the night. Ahh, they just don’t make blokes like him any more!

noot 1 Amy Winehouse