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As easy as ABC

As easy as ABC

1    Hello. My name is Tony Cook. I am    you educated, they get you thinking,
 bald. It’s quite a story how they get you
 I ended up bald. Everything is a story. communicating,
 Every little bit of your life is a story. and they get you
 I invented, the most helping others.
 useful website for storytellers in the5    I’ll tell you a
 whole world. That’s why we get story. I used to
 English language stories from work in radio. I was a sports man. The
 Shanghai and Buenos Aires as well as big mouth who could shout the result,
 London and New York. ABCtales is a analyse field tactics, and also have a
 huge meeting place of storytellers. Get sensible thing or two to say about
 out of prison, tell us your story, escape things like the war in Iraq. I was Mr
 from a lover, tell us your story. Dynamic. And then the blow struck.
2    One percent of the world writes I got ME1). I lost all my 34 . At times
 stories. A storytelling site like this I was so weak, I couldn’t even get out
 begins with someone who is forever of bed.
 finding stories in everything he or she6    Then I took my imagination for a
 does. The appetite for telling and walk. I reconstructed my world by
 writing stories is like breathing. imagining, by building my stories. By
3    I ran into a cleaner one day and strengthening my mind, I strengthened
 she asked me what I do for a living. my body. Though I’m now back on top,
 I told her that I collect stories from I still have to watch out. I spoke to
 people and we put them on our other people who had been down there
 website. So we go round catching and come back. I realised that the
 tales. “Catching tales? What does this break in my career brought me nearer
 mean, she asked?” I told her that to doing what I was best at: writing,
 people often have a story to tell, but collecting and supporting the story
 they don’t know where to begin. Give process.
 them a piece of paper and they freeze7    And now for the baldness! Well,
 up. But get them to tell it and it flows. you see what happened, I was skiing
4    That’s what we do at ABCtales. down a slope when I tumbled over and
 The wonderful joy of seeing people banged my head. A few weeks later,
 start a story and soar. You meet all my hair started falling out. I lost all
 people through storytelling. You my hair in a month, which made me
 sharpen your world view. In fact, it’s more cuddly. And that’s how I intend to
 better than most other things in the stay, but that’s another story.
 world. A good story, well told, is like 
 finding the meaning of life. Stories get noot 1 ME = chronische vermoeidheidsziekte