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Please, accept I’m different

Please, accept I’m different

STEPHANIE WILLIAMS, 26, has Asperger’s syndrome; here she explains how she has learned to manage her condition.

1    At first glance even if I don’t understand them.
 you’d never know Afterwards I studied French and
 how hard I’m Spanish at university. Aspies are good
 trying. I dress up, at deciphering codes, which is
 look you straight in basically what languages are.
 the eye and watch4    I need  27  so it was better for
 carefully for signs me to live at home (with my parents)
 that I’m boring as I like things to happen at the same
 you. But even so, time every day. If I do take to
 minutes after meeting me, you may something new it can become an
 start to think I’m a bit … well, odd. obsession. When I decided to lose
 I tend to stare, which might make you weight, I had to swim exactly the same
 feel uncomfortable, and sometimes number of lengths every day. It didn’t
 I blink a lot. I can be extremely direct take me long to slim down and I even
 although I really don’t mean to be had a boyfriend for a while. It didn’t
 rude. I once said to someone in the work out though, and now I’m sceptical
 supermarket: “Could you please move, about relationships. I’m quite a naïve
 because you’re so fat I can’t see the person and I tend to attract
 sign behind you.” I’m better now, but manipulative or controlling men.
 for years I had no idea how to make5    Because I’m no good at reading
 small talk. I’d start a conversation by body language, I never know if men
 telling someone how much Elvis paid are interested in me. I bought a book
 for his mansion Graceland or asking to help me understand facial
 their opinion about abortion. I’d say expressions but I still have problems
 whatever came into my head. with my own. I tend to look blank, so
2    Being diagnosed with Asperger’s people assume I’m not bright.
 syndrome at the age of 17 was a huge6    When I was working at a call
 relief. It explained a lot, such as why centre I overheard someone call me a
 I couldn’t get along with girls at school ‘pain’ because I kept asking the same
 and why I was bullied. I always said thing. I gave my boss a leaflet about
 the wrong thing, asking them what Asperger’s because I had been sacked
 colour soap they used or how they from other jobs and I didn’t want to
 spelled their name. And if I thought lose this one; a year later I was made
 I had a friend I’d be really upset if they redundant.
 talked to anyone else.7    I don’t want to get married or have
3    I took a drama course when I left children. I don’t like physical contact
 school and it was the best thing I could and I find children noisy and tiring. But
 have done. Eccentric people are Asperger’s has its advantages: I have
 accepted in theatrical circles and, for good attention to detail, so I can
 the first time, I had friends. It also remember information well. I know
 taught me how to act normally; like I have a lot to offer, I just need people
 most ‘Aspies’, I can imitate people to accept I’m different.