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St Trinian’s - school can be a riot!

St Trinian's - school can be a riot!

 MIKE JACKSON RECALLS DAYS - AND    peace of mind, my time running the
 NIGHTS - WHEN HE HIMSELF WAS IN boarding house coincided with the
 CHARGE OF A BOARDING HOUSE1) OF craze for slit skirts, which looked a
 YOUNG SHE-DEVILS. normal length but were open up on one
  side. A girl could seem perfectly neat
1     The new St Trinian’s movie brings but, once out of sight of authority, with
 back memories of two traumatic years one quick hitch she would suddenly
 when I was in charge of a boarding transform herself into a Britney Spears
 house of 30 teenage girls. They look-alike.
 tormented me with constant rows,4     The next task was to stop them
 escape attempts, smoking in the smoking in the lavatories and showers.
 lavatories, alcoholic dazes, flooded This sounds easy enough, but trying to
 bathrooms and out-all-hours catch them in the act meant hiding
 excursions. outside the lavatories, which was
2     When I took the job in 1965, it highly embarrassing. I was surprised
 looked like a piece of cake. I had run a how shamelessly they would lie to me
 boys’ boarding house before and girls too. Teenage boys, caught smoking,
 were supposed to be sweet, charming will come clean. Teenage girls, even
 and much more persuadable. My wife while stinking of cigarette smoke, tend
 looked at me knowingly: “Just you wait to bat their eyelids and deny
 and see.” And I swiftly discovered that everything.
 real teenage girls were even more5     Security was my top priority. The
 alarming than the girls in the movie windows would only open a mere three
 St Trinian’s. The first hurdle I faced inches to stop anyone getting out (or
 was trying to get them in at 10pm. It in) and the doors were set with alarms
 seemed a simple instruction but each overnight. From time to time I got up to
 night there would be a row. “It’s only check that all was well. One night,
 two minutes past. Your watch must be I spotted a girl dangling dangerously
 fast, sir.” These rows were all the more from an upstairs window, about to drop
 embarrassing because they usually down 15 feet and drive off with her
 took place in front of their boyfriends waiting boyfriend. I was horrified. From
 who, having walked them home, would then on, my vague suspicions turned
 be listening to every word with into full-blown nightmares about
 amusement. As if that wasn’t bad alarms going off and girls escaping.
 enough, I often needed the skill of a6     The more rebellious teenage girls
 diplomat, coughing tactfully to catch enjoyed giving any male the runaround.
 the attention of latecomers still Pretty soon, I began to feel
 engrossed in each other on the like poor old Alastair Sim in his role as
 doorstep. the original St Trinian’s headmistress.
3     There was also the issue of trying Sniggers and knowing looks would
 to control the way they [id:70869] , so that follow me wherever I went. Once I was
 they looked smart for school. There embarrassed to overhear one girl
 was no set uniform, but they were telling another it was ‘such fun’ giving
 supposed to wear ‘sensible’ clothes, me a ‘tough time’. No wonder this new
 with skirts that were not too short. film has brought me out in a cold
 Naturally they wanted to bend the rules sweat. It reminds me of my stormy
 as much as possible. Sadly for my times at a true-life St Trinian’s.

noot 1  boarding house = kostschool / een huis, waar jongens of meisjes onder toezicht wonen