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Mini Quick Soup

Mini Quick Soup

Britain’s on-the-go army of fast food fans is in for a new treat: self heating soup.
    Just click a button on the bottom of the carton, shake it, wait for a chemical reaction to kick in, and it’s ready to pour.
    Mini Quick Soup - the first of its kind - comes in containers four inches (10cm) high that can fit in a handbag, rucksack, car glove department or pocket.
    Brian Chapman, managing director of Mini Quick, said: “It’s ideal for people who have no cooking facilities. It’s as simple as click, shake and drink. People are looking for instant hot snacks when they are out in the car or outdoors. It is an area where there is likely to be a lot of growth in the future.”
   Mini Quick Soup is going on sale in supermarkets this week, priced at £1.19 for a carton.