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The First Recycling Martyr

The First Recycling Martyr

A single scrap of paper in a bag for glass and tins
turned a young man into a criminal
1    28-year-old Michael Reeves has    for the
 become Britain’s first recycling martyr environment
 after a court fined him £200 for but I couldn’t
 disobeying rules about sorting out care less
 rubbish. He had volunteered to take now.”
 part in a recycling project organised by5    He said his first mistake was to put
 Swansea Council. But somehow a his rubbish out a day early, but only
 single piece of junk mail found its way because he was going on holiday the
 into a bag which was meant for other next day. It was met with a warning
 rubbish. And when council workers that any further slip-ups would result in
 found his name and address on it, they legal actions. “Duly warned I carried on
 prosecuted. separating the rubbish,” he said. Then
2    The case caused widespread came the summons1) accusing him of
 anger. Even Friends of the Earth said violating the order. “I was shocked and
 that Mr Reeves’ case could ‘put people had no idea what to do,” he said. “At
 off recycling’ - and that’s bad news. one point I even thought I would end
 Moreover millions of householders are up in jail. The irony is that I would have
 already struggling to make sense of been better off not recycling at all, just
 confusing rules concerning disposal of loading everything in a single rubbish
 their rubbish. bag. But like most people I supported
3    Mr Reeves told The Mail on the principle and was happy to play my
 Sunday: “I now have a criminal record part.”
 and it will be a burden to me. I will6    A Swansea council spokesman
 have to explain myself every time said: “It is very rare for us to take this
 I apply for a new job. And if I want to line but it is unfortunate that Mr
 go to the United States I will have to Reeves didn’t contact us at any point.
 apply for a special entry visa for the When he didn’t respond to a second
 rest of my life. enforcement notice over his
4    I am not a violent man or a contaminated rubbish, we had no
 drunkard. I have not held up a bank. option but to issue summons. It was
 I have not committed fraud. But when dealt with in the magistrate court which
 I allowed a single piece of junk mail to means Mr Reeves now has a criminal
 appear in the wrong sort of recycling record.”
 bag I found myself committing a crime.7    Mr Reeves no longer bothers with
 It was not me who put the letter in the recycling. Paper, cans, plastic
 recycling bag. It was not even my bag. wrappers, they all go straight into the
 Yet the presence of my address black bag. It’s not a very noble attitude
 between the cans and bottles was but recycling has made him into a
 enough for the court to find me guilty. criminal, he explains.
 I have always been happy to do my bit