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Vraag 3

‘Are supermarkets too powerful?’ (titel)
Welke twee van de onderstaande vrouwen vinden supermarkten te machtig?
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Are supermarkets too powerful?

They shouldn’t sell clothesNo fair deal
“Supermarkets are getting far too greedy and taking vital business away from smaller shops. I’d never buy clothes from them. I’ve heard one chain is to sell Levi’s at cutdown prices - which isn’t fair on smaller jeans shops.”
Alison Ferguson, 26, trainee accountant, Middlesbrough
“There are so many big stores opening up round us and all the things they offer make it impossible for little stores to stay in business. I do use supermarkets for their convenience and late opening hours, but it’s sad for small shops.”
Liz Hughes, 41, teacher, Manchester
Great service!Supermarkets are much cheaper
“Everybody wants to buy cheaper and supermarkets provide lots of services under the one roof. I think the enormous hypermarkets you see abroad are absolutely wonderful… you can furnish your house and buy all your food and clothes in the same place.”
Lotta Lykke, 22, au pair, East Finchley, London
“Some food producers charge ridiculous prices, so if the supermarkets can make their own for much less, why not? A well-known brand of, say, baked beans can cost 34p, while an in-store brand can be as low as 9p.”
Samantha Larkin, 26, conveyancing assistant, Croydon, Surrey