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Vraag 5

‘New monkey found in Brazilian rain forest’ (titel)
Hoe is Marc van Roosmalen in aanraking gekomen met het aapje volgens het onderstaande artikel?

‘New monkey found in Brazilian rain forest’

At 10.1 centimetres and around 158 grams, it’s the
second smallest primate ever discovered

Associated Press

RIO DE JANEIRO - A Dutch scientist
has discovered the world’s second-
smallest monkey species in the Brazilian
rain forest, a scientific plum that was
literally handed to him.
A man showed up on the doorstep of
Marc van Roosmalen’s primate orpha-
nage in Manaus, 2,900 kilometres
northwest of Rio de Janeiro, in April,
1996, carrying a can containing a tiny
monkey. It was mouse-sized and green-
ish-gray, with a white fringe around
its face, a black crown and a black tail.
“As soon as I saw it I knew it was
something new. But I couldn’t show
my excitement because if the guy
knew he had something valuable he
might have kept it,” Mr. van Roosmalen
Finding the black-headed sagui
dwarf, as Mr. van Roosmalen dubbed
it, was the easy part.
To prove it was a new species, Mr. van
Roosmalen needed to find a few more
of them, but all he knew was that the
monkey had been found on a boat
coming down the Rio Madeira.
It took him more than a year of
hiking around the jungle until he located
them near the Rio Aripuana.

The black-headed sagui dwarf monkey is
one of seven new primate species discovered
in as many years. (Associated Press)