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Vraag 8

Hieronder wordt aan een aantal jongeren gevraagd of zij geloven in leven buiten de planeet aarde.
Wie gelooft niet dat er leven is op een andere planeet?

"I think there must be life on
onther planets. This universe is too big
to be the only place with life.
There are things out there. It's a
waste of space if there aren't." - Allison, 15,

"When people say that they've
seen flying saucers or whatever, I think
they're making it up. I don't think any
of that is true, but I do think there's a
big possibility that there's life on other
planets." - Kurt, 13 Wis.

"Call me crazy, but I believe.
I mean, there were traces of what
seemed to be life on Mars. I might not
have been intelligent, but it was life.
We shouldn't dismiss the idea just
because scientists haven't proven it
yet. We haven't even begun to explore
the outer ends of our own solar
system." - Arthur, 13, Mich.
"I believe that there could be
life on other planets, but I don't think
they would look like the aliens we
usually picture: green with huge black
eyes. I also don't think they go cruisin'
around in space-ships trying to abduct
people." - Sally, 15, Wis.

"I definitely think there's life on
other planets. Wherever they are,
they're probable wondering the same
thing. I hope one day we'll be able to
interact with them." - Annaliza, 14,

"Gimme a break! Whoever came
up with the idea that there's life on
other planets obviously didn't have his
brain in this galaxy! The idea is
preposterous. For as long as we've
been able to explore space, we would
have found some signs of life by now if
there were any. Even the UFO in
Roswell, New Mexico, turned out to be
just a weather balloon." - Ronald, 16, Mich.
What do you think? Are teens portayed
realistically on TV and in movies? Send
your response, along with your name, age
and adress. to: For Real, Teen, P.O. Box
48990, Los Angeles, CA 90048; e-mail: