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Vraag 10

Waarom vond Bill Ruse, de inzender van de brief, het grappig dat zijn leraar zei: “Now, finish your coloring.”?
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Omdat het inkleuren van kaartjes ….

Tales Out of School®

Here is the winning Tales Out of School story. To e-mail the
story to a friend, click on the Send It button.

AS PART of a U.S. geography class at Avella High School in
Pennsylvania, we were coloring the various states on our map
and noting their heights. When our teacher stepped into the hall
to confer with someone, we got a bit noisy. Returning to the
class, our teacher reprimanded us. “Quiet down!” he said. “I’d
like to think I’m teaching high-school pupils, not primary-school
kids.” Then, as an afterthought, he added, “Now, finish your
-Contributed to “Tales Out of School” by Bill Ruse