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Vraag 9

WHY 999?

You may have wondered why "999" was chosen
as the number we - in the UK - dial in an emer-
gency. After all "111" is quicker to dial on old-
fashioned telephones, and they dial 112 in Europe.
There are a number of interesting reasons why.
The obvious one is that 999 is easy to remember in
an emergency. (Easier I think than 112.) It's also
easy to find on the dial in the dark and in smoke.
Finally, "9" alone was considered, but the system
had to have 3 digits to work in the London area
where the new emergency number was tried out
for the first time in July 1937.

Hoeveel redenen noemt het artikel voor de keuze van 999 als het landelijke alarmnummer?