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Vraag 3


I wonder if you can help me.
I have blemishes all over my
face that I hate. I always end
up using tons of concealer
so that no-one notices them.
My friend told me that a
doctor could remove them if
I was unhappy with them, and
as I feel this way, I've decided
that's what I want done. Can
you help?
Lama, Cumbria
We're all born with a certain
amount of blemishes on our
skin, especially our faces, and these
are perfectly normal and natural
markings of the skin. It’s true that
doctors can remove blemishes, but
it really depends on the size of the
particular blemish. Obviously only
your doctor would be able to decide
on this but it does sound as if the
scars you're talking about are
minimal as you're able to cover them
with concealer.
Believe me, rather than plastic
surgery, learning to love yourself,
blemishes and all, will make you a
far happier person in the long run.

Welke raad wordt Loma gegeven?