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Vraag 18

Waarvoor wordt Eddie McGhee ingehuurd door de politie van Greater Manchester?


Police officers at work
FOR the first time, a British police     
force is being taught to use      Now, he’s developed a special two-week
traditional native tracking skills to  training course for crime scene examiners.
catch housebreakers, thieves and  The evidence experts aren’t only trained to
murderers.  recognise vital signs which lay a trail, but
    Greater Manchester Police have hired also to sharpen their observation skills.
the services of Eddie McGhee, Britain’s     By using tracking techniques, scenes-ofcrime
answer to Crocodile Dundee. officers may be able to pinpoint more
    Eddie is a former Parachute Regiment likely areas to be searched, increasing the
Warrant Officer and one of Britain’s top chances of finding valuable forensic
survival skills experts. He’s lived with evidence.
pigmies in Africa, the Bedouin in the Sahara,     Eddie can even tell whether the person
Aborigines in Australia and the Ibans in being tracked is on the run, injured or
Indonesia. carrying a weight, such as a body.