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Vraag 4

Spending Christmas with your parents?
We can spend the whole year with them.

    If you have elderly parents living alone, it's nice to be able to look
after them at Christmas. But isn't it a worry when Christmas is over?
    Well, for as little as 65p a day you can stop worrying.
    That's all it could cost to install Lifeline, Britain's most
advanced 24 hour monitoring service, in your parents' home. And
Lifeline will bring help, in any emergency, quite literally at the touch
Of a button.
    If you'd like to know more, send this coupon to FREEPOST
Tunstall Lifeline, Hither Green, Avon B521 6XU. Alternatively you
can call us on FREEPHONE LIFELINE or 0272 842319.

Wat is Lifeline volgens de onderstaande advertentie?