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Vraag 12

Jumbo poo paper

THE next time you’re given a souvenir from Thailand - a jade pendant perhaps, or an opium weight - don’t be surprised if it’s wrapped in elephant dung. Researchers at an elephant conservation centre in northern Thailand announced yesterday that they had devised a way to turn elephant poo into a clean, odourless and decorative paper. The paper can be used to package souvenirs such as artificial flowers, photo frames and small boxes, says Niphakron Singhapudtangul, project manager at the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre in Lampang, north of Bangkok. Converting the droppings will help solve the increasingly difficult puzzle of disposing of the two tonnes of dung created each day by the 40 elephants at the Lampang centre.

Met de nieuwe vinding die in onderstaand berichtje wordt beschreven, pakt men in Thailand een lastig probleem aan.
→ Welk probleem is dat?
Citeer de zin waarin de kern van het probleem beschreven wordt.
Schrijf de eerste twee en de laatste twee woorden van die zin op.