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Super Sandwich

US Army scientists have come up
with a replacement for the standard
battlefield grub, the "Meal, Ready to
Eat" [or as soldiers usually call it:
"Meal, Rarely Edible!"] The Natick
laboratory, which creates combat
rations for American forces, has
invented an indestructible sandwich!
The "pocket" sarnie, which comes in
pepperoni, barbecued chicken, beef
nacho and peanut butter and jelly
flavours, can survive a 3,000m
airdrop, freezing Arctic chills,
blistering desert heat, bacteria and
moisture - and stays fresh for up to
three years!
So, what are the new lab-produced
sandwiches like? Soldiers who have
tasted the sci-fi sarnies have only
described the taste as "acceptable"!