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Dear Abby

DEAR ABBY: You had a letter in your column about people who were always mooching rides, and these moochers were called "schnorrers".
I would like to know where that term came from.
We are one of the 200 families in the United States with the name of "Schnorr", and we object to the use of our name with such a meaning.
We hope that the Schnorr families in Oregon, New Mexico, Illinois and all other states feel as we do and that you get 199 more letters of protest.

DEAR SCHNORRS: The verb "to beg" is "schnorren" in German.
From it comes the noun "schnorrer" - which means "a beggar, a panhandier, a moocher, a cheapskate, a chiseler, a bum, a drifter or a borrower".