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I rejected a job in insurance to live in a tree.

‘I rejected a job in
insurance to live in a tree.’

Kate Bonner, 32, from Dorset, became a tree protester in
1995. She now runs a nursery school.

    ‘I had always done what my    house out of pallets lashed to a
 parents expected of me, studying tree. At night, the houses rocked
 hard and going to university. and creaked like boats, but it felt
 Afterwards, I could either follow the incredibly [id:81191]n though
5 career path they wanted, or break60 I was 30ft up in the air.
 out and do something more 
    ‘I had just been offered a job in 
 insurance, which promised good 
10 pay and prospects. My parents 
 wanted me to take it, but 
 I disagreed with the ethics of the 
    ‘I’d heard of a tree-protest site 
15 near where I lived at the time, in 
 Guildford, Surrey. The council was 
 planning to widen a road and build    ‘One day, a passing motorist in
 a huge incinerator in the middle of a big, flash car saw me washing
 a housing estate. After watching my face in a bowl and yelled: “Get
20 coverage on the local news, a bath!” He probably saw me as
 I decided that I wanted to make a65 some dirty crusty.
 difference. Although I had never    ‘Everyone found their natural
 protested about anything before, roles. My job was to get wood and
 this felt like the right thing to do. water. When we needed food, we
25    ‘When I told my parents I was hitched into town. A lot of our
 planning to become a protester,70 supplies came from supermarket
 they were deeply disappointed. skips at the back of the
 They care about the environment, supermarket. On the day we heard
 but believe the right way to get the protest had been successful,
30 things changed is to go through loads of police and council
 your local councillor or to write to75 members showed up and the
 your MP. But, at 23, I was full of atmosphere was amazing.
 determination.    ‘Next, I moved to a site at
    ‘It was a cold winter’s morning Lyminge Forest, Kent, where we
35 when I left. There was only one eventually stopped a holiday
 person awake on the site. He told80 village being built on 440 acres of
 me they needed long wooden woodland. By then, I was a bit fed
 beams for building tree houses so, up with the hardships, and I was
 with £60 in my pocket, I went to the missing my family.
40 nearest reclamation yard.    ‘I had no regrets about moving
    ‘I arrived like Father Christmas85 on. I felt I had made a difference,
 with this truckload of wood and and experienced a freedom most
 said, “Can I stay?” people only dream about. I would
    ‘I was there for the next seven never have got such satisfaction
45 months. There were about 50 from selling insurance policies.
 people on the site. Many, like me,90    ‘I now help run a children’s
 were from comfortable, middle- nursery at an education centre in
 class homes. We went from Dorset, where I am surrounded by
 ordinary, mainstream lives to a beautiful countryside and people
50 very basic, communal lifestyle. My who believe in an organic,
 parents would not visit me on site95 sustainable lifestyle. My
 and, for the next four years, we relationship with my parents has
 lived separate lives with occasional come full circle and we are now
 phone calls to each other. much closer than ever before.’
55    ‘I built my own very simple tree