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50 things!

50 things!

BBC TV presents a countdown of the top 50 things viewers should do once in their lifetime, as they are being suggested by around 20,000 members of the public.
The show travels to far-flung destinations around the globe - from the Arctic Circle to the deepest, darkest jungles and a few lucky viewers get the chance to fulfil their dreams.
Here are two of the things chosen by the public so far.

Fly in a fighter jet

Once on the base you will undergo a brief medical check-up to ensure you are fit enough for your flight. It is generally considered that if you are fit enough to ride a roller coaster then you are fit enough to take a jet flight.
You will plan everything with your pilot before the flight - the type of experience you want to feel, the amount of actual flying you want to do and the route. Following the flight brief you will be fitted for your G-suit before being strapped into the ejector seat ready for take off.
These flights last approximately 40 minutes, but most people beg to return to earth within 30 minutes.

Dive with sharks

Sharks are sleek, muscled, agile and a beautiful sight in the water.
On diving trips near Darwin Island, one of the Galapagos Islands, you are guaranteed to scuba dive with schools of hammerhead sharks numbering in the hundreds. You do not have to scuba dive to the usual 40 - 60 metres to see these amazing creatures. A rock at 20 metres is the perfect observation post and you will see hammerhead sharks swimming past you from every angle.
In fact quite often you can see their dorsal fins breaking the surface as they cruise by.
What’s more, dolphins will escort you to the dive site. What a dive site it is! Diving here you can expect huge swells, heavy surge, powerful currents ... and big action! This is not a place for beginners! But as most experienced scuba divers know... no current means no sharks.
At the right time of year you are almost guaranteed to have an encounter with the biggest and most elusive fish…. whale sharks! The whale sharks here at Darwin Island are BIG...
bigger than a London bus! In fact closer to two buses!! And they also oblige and swim directly by the 20-metre rock.
Whale sharks are harmless filter feeders. There are very few places on earth where whale sharks appear regularly. Darwin Island is one of those places…