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Learning Greek to Improve your English

Learning Greek to Improve your English

AS if English wasn’t proving hard enough for them, pupils at primaries are
to face the challenge of ancient Greek.
Some 13 schools in Oxford will begin lessons designed to improve
their English. Dr Lorna Robinson, who helped bring Latin back to state
schools, believes ancient Greek is destined for success.
‘It will provide a clear and fascinating basis for grasping the
complexities of English grammar,’ she told the Times Educational
Supplement. ‘People can be discouraged by the idea of learning a
language that has a different alphabet. Actually, we’ve found that, while
the different alphabet does add an extra dimension, it’s one that people
take to quickly.’
Sue Widgery, the head of a primary school in East Oxford, said: ‘The
Latin classes we did were surprisingly successful. A lot of our children
know two languages or maybe three. They are used to working with
different texts.’

Daily Mail, 2010