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Great britons

Would you love a career-defining opportunity?
Of course you would. Next year we’re giving away more flights to more extraordinary European talent. Every three months we’ll choose new winners who strive to be the best by demonstrating the spirit of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. So whether your passion is sport, music, fashion, performing arts, art and design, innovation, or community you could find yourself representing Europe all over the world. And what’s more, you’ll get the chance to work closely with an expert or celebrity to develop your talent. As a winner you’ll receive return tickets to the destination of your choice.

BA Great Britons are excited to announce our latest winners. Keep reading to find out why the judges and general public voted for them.

The British Airways Great Britons team has reason to celebrate. To help support not only up-and-coming British talent we’re launching an all-new BA Great European programme. It’s going to be bigger and better than ever before. Nominate your talented family member, friend or neighbour for it. Write a letter of recommendation and win two BA return tickets to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012!
Read on to see what it takes to be one of our Great Europeans.
Lorna Brown
Lorna Brown (28), is the captain of the colourful London Roller Girls, the European Champions of Roller Derby. It was Lorna’s dedication to developing an emerging sport – Roller Derby – that captured the judge’s attention as well as her passionate determination to take her team to the next level. As Great Britons winners, Lorna and the rest of the team have been awarded flights to the USA, to take up an invitation to train with the top ranked US Roller Derby team.
Lorna’s goal is to make the sport as popular in the UK as it already is in the States, providing others with the same positive impact it has had on her own life.
Geoff Holt
In 2007, Geoff became the first disabled person to sail single-handed around Great Britain. In December of this year, Geoff will embark on an even greater challenge – to sail the 2,700 mile journey across the Atlantic Ocean unassisted in every aspect. He will be the first quadriplegic¹ to make the trip. Geoff's flights will ensure that his family can fly out to Antigua to welcome him back to shore on his return. Geoff's phenomenal determination in the face of adversity was what inspired the judges to shortlist him, and earned him the public support that secured his position at the top of the list.
Morgan Parkerson
Morgan Parkerson (22) started playing softball at the age of fourteen and since then has never looked back. Morgan's talent soared and her softball prowess earned her a scholarship at an American university where she is in the final stages of completing her degree. At the same time, Morgan plays for the Great Britain National Softball Team, finishing second in the European Championships. This strong display of British softball skills saw the team automatically qualify for the 2010 World Championships. As Great Britons winners, Morgan and her 15 team mates have been awarded flights to the USA to enable them to compete on the world stage where they belong.
Rob Pattison
Following an informative and extremely challenging family holiday to Uganda in 2007, Rob Pattison decided to start a charity which he named 'Possibilities’. The charity helps to support children who have been orphaned by the AIDS virus, or carry the virus themselves. Rob and his team have put twenty-five children into school, some for the first time, and built a workshop for a small craft business. Rob will use the flights from BA Great Britons to take a team of volunteers to Uganda to re-locate a complete orphanage of twenty-eight children and five carers from the city to an area where they will be able to grow food, raise livestock and become far more self-sufficient. We wish Rob and his team every success in undertaking this worth-while challenge.
Alexandra Rickham
After a tragic accident when aged just thirteen left her wheelchair-bound, Alexandra Rickham threw herself into her studies and trying new sports. One of these was sailing – and in 2008 Alexandra was delighted to compete as part of Team GB at the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games. Alexandra and her team will use flights from BA Great Britons to travel to Australia to embark on winter training in a bid to achieve her dreams in 2012. We wish Alexandra all the best in her preparations for the 2012 Paralympics!

noot 1 quadriplegic = iemand die zijn armen en benen niet kan gebruiken