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Taxi driver rescues

Taxi driver rescues

 Andrew Norfolk    “I could see someone screaming
  and banging on the window. It was
 A woman trapped upside down in a like a scene from a horror film.”
 sinking car was rescued by a taxi    The door was jammed and the
 driver who ignored warnings from window would not open, so Mr
 the emergency services that it was Brown, after trying to reassure the
 too dangerous for him to enter the terrified Miss Saunders, flagged
 freezing water. down a passing motorist, who
    James Brown, 41, was driving found a [id:62882] in the back of his
 along an icy road shortly before car.
 midnight when he spotted the    “I went back with it. I shouted
 headlights of a Ford Ka half- to her and she said she was the
 submerged in a duck pond in only one in the car. I was just so
 Bishop Burton, East Yorkshire. [id:62883] that she was talking to me.
    Inside was Caroline Saunders, smashed the window before
 28, a social worker, who had dragging the girl out. She was very
 skidded on black ice and lost shaken up, but at least she got
 control of her car. The car had out.”
 crashed through a fence and    Mr Brown, a self-employed taxi
 flipped on to its roof before landing driver for the past six years, who
 in the water, leaving her [id:62880] . has one child, carried Miss
    Mr Brown did not realise that Saunders from the pond and put
 anyone was still in the car until he her in his car with a blanket around
 dialled 999 on his mobile phone her.
 and began speaking to a fire    [id:62884] emergency services
 service controller. Only then did he reached the pond in the early
 spot Miss Saunders inside the hours of yesterday, she was taken
 upside-down vehicle. to hospital and discharged after
    Though the controller at the treatment for shock, cuts and
 other end of the phone urged him bruises.
 not to risk his life by attempting a    Miss Saunders, who was
 rescue, Mr Brown said he could driving home from work when the
 see that the car was filling with accident happened, said she had
 water and he decided that the felt certain she was going to die.
 emergency services would not “It’s midnight, there’s no one
 [id:62881] . around and I’m trapped, I can’t get
    “Another ten minutes and she out. I saw some headlights and
 would have died. I put down the I was beeping my horn, banging on
 phone and went in. The car was the window, thinking, ‘Please see
 sinking down and half the car was me, please see me’.” She said that
 underwater already,” he said. her message to Mr Brown was:
  “Thank you, thank you so much for
  just being there and being good
  enough to [id:62885].”
     A fire service spokesman said
  that Mr Brown had performed an
  exceptional rescue that had
  averted a potentially [id:62886]

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