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Get spooked

You share your chilling - and true! - stories
Be afraid - be very afraid!


“A ghost stole my mom's watch!”

“My family had just moved into a new house, and
I had heard all these creepy stories about it.
Supposedly a 12-year-old boy named Fred had
died there years ago, and he still haunts the house.
But why would I believe those stories? I convinced
myself that people were just trying to freak me out.
Then, one day, my mom went out for a few
hours and left me home alone. When she got back,
she came into my room and asked, “Katie, did you
borrow my watch?” “No,” I said. She looked
confused. “I left it on my bureau, and it’s gone,” she
said. We searched everywhere, but the watch
was nowhere to be found. But I knew no one had
been in the house but me - so where did it go?
Exactly a year later, Mom walked into her
bedroom - and the watch was sitting on her bureau!
There was a note beside it that said, “Sorry about
your watch. I never learned to tell time.” Here’s the
scariest part: it was signed, “Fred.” Now I know all
those scary stories about my house are true!”
Katie, 17, Ontario