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Twister of Fate

“She dealt with it pretty well,” says Martha Wampler’s friend Ann Rushing,
who helped clean up the wreckage a day after the tornado.

Twister of Fate

Tornado season opens with a bang for one shaken resident of McCrory,
1    The clock stopped at 9:08 on   2    Throughout the South and
 Sunday evening May 4. That’s when Midwest that night some were not
 the tornado hit Martha Wampler’s so lucky. The unusually severe
 house in McCrory, Arkansas. Mrs weather system that generated the
 Wampler, 52, was huddled with her McCrory twister also caused
 granddaughter Anna, 3, in the hall dozens of others that killed at least
 as winds that reached 160 mph tore 37 people. Fortunately, no one was
 at the roof. Within seconds the seriously injured in McCrory, where
 ceilings began to collapse all around residents had about 10 minutes’
 them — everywhere, that is, except warning of the twister’s approach.
 in the hall, where even a table with But afterward Mrs Wampler was
 photographs barely shook. “Things amazed at the damage to her
 whirled around us — leaves, debris,” house, which included a tree in the
 says Mrs Wampler, who is raising living room. “Someone’s shoes and
 her granddaughter. “But we were not blankets and pants and coats were
 touched. We were truly blessed.” in the house,” she says. “I have no
  idea who they belong to.”