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Vraag 8

Waar houdt Alison Marshall zich volgens het onderstaande artikeltje mee bezig?


Country children donead the idyllic
and untrammelled Jives many townies
imagine. "Rural children have no right
to play in areas which have become
increasingly dangerous," says Alison
MarshalI, new rural development officer
for the Kids' Clubs Network. "Barbed
wire, chemicais, heavy machinery and
busy roads all mean the rapid
disappearance of natural play areas.'
Vet there is almost a total lack of outof-
school childcare in rural areas. To
remedy this, Alison is setting up pilot
projects to develop after-school and
holiday provision in Bedfordshire,
Cornwall, North Yorkshire, Shropshire
and Suffolk . For details of schernes in
the target areas and general advice on
rural out-of-school schemes, ring her on
071-2473009. For details of after-school
care in Scottish towns and villages, ring
Rita Hopper on 041-2218119.