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Vraag 6

Waar heeft mevrouw Capel volgens haar ingezonden brief (onderstaande tekst) moeite mee?
Met het feit dat.....


RECENT outdoor scenes in
both Coronation Street and
EastEnders have shown pave-

ments strewn with litter.As they
are purpose-built sets, such as
the market where Pete Beale
works, lassurne the litter is
dropped to make the scenes
appear realistic . It's such a
shame that litter-free streets
would look artificial and uncon-
incing. Wht a sad reflection on what
we've come to take for granted
in our environment. Other coun-
tries, such as Australia, take
pride in the c1eanliness of their
towns and it's high time we fol-
lowed their example.
Miss K. Capel,
Bermondsey, London.