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Vraag 9

Waarom heeft John Terry geen bezwaar tegen subsidiëring van boeren?

Louise Reynolds contrasted farmers with
plasterers and plumbers (SHE mail. March)
and asked whyfarmers are subsidised
when everyone else isinvolved in amarket
economy. May I suggest that she asks
herself how often she ealls out a plasterer
ora plumber and how many times she
eats. Food production is too important to
leave toa market economy - we are used
to regular supplies at very reasonable
prices and this is best achieved by
subsidised or "proteeted" marketing. We
should not think this featherbeds farmers
against financial failure . Six thousand
farmers went bankrupt last year and a
recent survey by a farming newspaper
estimated that the average income of
farmers is around Ell.000 per year for an
8O-hour week.

Joho leny,Cambridge