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Vraag 6

Waarom wordt de plattegrond van de Londense ondergrondse genoemd ?

The art of making it

GRAPHIC design is one of those professions that is hard to define. People who train as graphic designers are as likely to end up designing the signs for supermarkets as designing the packs on the shelves, illustrating technical manuals as illustrating children's books, designing annual reports as designing fashion magazines.

ADRIANNE LeMAN looks at a profession where bath the rewards and the level of satisfaction can be high.
Much of what graphic designers design is so much a part of everyday life that it is taken for gran ted; the London Unde rground map, for instance, is rightly viewed as being a design classic: it is c1ear, readable and functional. Simply because it is nol noticeably designed , it works. Most people don 't realise that a designer can make a hook or newspaper more inviting or easy to read by the choice and size of type it is set in, the way it is set, the way the type is iuxtaposed with images and by the choice of those images themselves. They like it because it serves its function , it is easy to read.