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Vraag 1

Welke zekerheid heb je als je varkensvlees koopt met het ‘British Meat’ keurmerk?
Schrijf twee punten op die in de advertentie worden genoemd.

On many farms across the world, pregnant sows spend most of their lives either tethered by the neck or in tiny stalls, unable to turn around and with about 18 inches to walk back and forth.
Also, they can be fed a diet containing meat and bone meal which partly consists of offal, bones and other animal parts.
Without realising it you could be supporting these practices.
By buying pork, bacon or ham carrying the British Meat Quality Standard Mark, you can be sure that you are supporting good living conditions and vegetable-based feed.
These are just 2 out of 105 standards which are audited by independent inspectors. LOOK AFTER THE FARMERS WHO LOOK AFTER THEIR PIGS. ONLY BUY PORK WITH THIS MARK. MEAT AND LIVESTOCK COMMISSION, PO BOX 44, SNOWDON DRIVE, MILTON KEYNES MK6 1AX the longest